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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The first Vietnamese-American Congressman, Anh 'Joseph' Cao...

Catholics and healthcare reform

November 9, 6:13 PMOrlando Roman Catholic ExaminerMaria Mederos
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  Rep. 'Joseph' Cao - R [LA]. (Photo: AP Photo Alex Brandon)
The first Vietnamese-American Congressman, Anh 'Joseph' Cao, voted an unpopular 'yea' -as far as Republicans go- for the Stupak amendment.  The former Catholic seminarian claimed that he had to cast his vote this way due to the needs of his district, in which so many are poor and uninsured.  It turned out to be the one and only Republican vote for this amendment.

In all fairness to Rep. Cao, though it is true that his district is predominantly Democrat, his courageous vote required some political tough-skin, for even as he cast his vote another Republican representative -Eric Canter- refused to shake his hand.  However, Rep. Cao explained that his fellow party colleagues were 'very professional and understanding of the needs of his district'.

FOX Interviews Rep Anh "Joseph" Cao

Only GOP To Vote For Health Reform

On the other end of the spectrum, Bart Stupak, a conservative Democrat and also a Catholic, saved the healthcare bill from impending doom by proposing this compromise now known as the Stupak amendment, while a liberal Democrat, and also a Catholic, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi pushed this compromise in order to save the healthcare bill proposal.  Millions of Americans may have a chance to have access to healthcare insurance due to this compromise.

To reach this compromise, ProLifers had to concede to abortion funding in cases of rape, incest or danger to the health of the mother, while the ProChoicers had to concede to no funding for abortions -other than in those specific cases- with money from taxpayers.  Abortion coverage must be purchased separately from private insurance providers with their own funds.

As a sidenote, another less publicized compromise was reached when the amendment also allowed immigrants to purchase, with their own money, into the low-cost health insurance, though no government funds will be used for this either.  The Catholic Bishops have always insisted on access to healthcare insurance for immigrants.

In this case, Catholics, both conservative and liberal, have been influential in carrying out what is traditionally known as Catholic Social Justice Teaching. Though a compromise was needed to pass the amendment, the fact remains that this is the most significant ProLife victory -and abortion setback- in decades. In addition, many lives will be saved by providing healthcare to those without insurance.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB] had come to the aid of this amendment by issuing a joint letter by all US Bishops in support and by publishing an online story under the headline: 'Bishops Urge Passage of Stupak-Ellsworth Anti-Abortion Amendment for Health Reform Bill.' An excerpt from this letter explains the position of the USCCB.
Our Bishops' conference has been working for many years to support health care reform legislation that truly protects the life, dignity, health and consciences of all. Adopting this amendment will help move us move toward this essential national priority and moral imperative. [www.usccb.org]
In the end, after so much controversy, the Catholic Bishops must feel proud of all the Catholics involved. Now, we must pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our Senators for the wellbeing of all.


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